
Our Beliefs

A church may have wonderful music, an excellent ministry to the neighborhood and fantastic fellowship, but the most important thing when looking for a church is knowing what they believe. As a local church today, we do not want to shy away or hide our beliefs, but instead want to be as clear as possible, in hopes of sharing the good news about Jesus Christ with everyone.

This is why Statements of Faith, Church Covenants and guiding documents are helpful. They express what a church believes Scripture teaches, how they plan to live that out and what structures are in place to ensure that happens. These documents are not meant to be exhaustive or replace God’s Word, but simply focus on what Biblical beliefs and practices are essential for us to be Christians and for us to be a church.

From the time of the Apostles until today, Christians throughout the ages have laid out the beliefs. Simply put, Christian history is the history of creeds and confessions. Our Statement of Faith and Church Covenant summarizes essential Christian beliefs and practices, showing our unity in Christ, and guards our church from error.

All who join Waverly Place Baptist are required to be in full agreement with our Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. Additionally, the Second London Baptist Confession (1689) acts as the doctrinal teaching standard of our church. Finally, our Consitution & Statement of Practices helps us flesh out how we actually fulfill these agreements in our life together.

Our Membership Statement of Faith

Our Membership Covenant

Our Doctrinal Standard & Teaching Position

Our Constitution & Statement of Practices