Photo by Rod Long

Our Sunday Gatherings



Why should you go to church? This is a question many people wrestle with and we want to give a solid answer. We gather every Lord’s Day with the aim of renewing our covenant with the Triune God. It is God who has called us from darkness into light and it is God who has provided our salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. By God’s great work we have been set apart to worship Him as His chosen people. Throughout the week we are prone to forgetfulness and weakness, so we gather on Sundays to renew our commitment to God, to be strengthened by His word and to be reminded that we were bought with price and it is God and God alone that we serve. Because of these realities, you’ll find that our gathering follows the story of the gospel itself:

  1. Called by the Triune God
  2. Cleansed through confession
  3. Consecrated by Christ
  4. Communing with God & one another
  5. Commissioned to go into the world


Our congregation includes people from all backgrounds and in all stages of life, from single young adults, to the newly married, from young families, to middle aged as well as those who have been part of this historic church for decades. Because this is who we are, on any given Sunday morning, you’ll find anything from jeans and sweatshirts, to suits and ties.


As those who have come to know God’s forgiveness, we love to sing His praises. Together as a church, we want to give glory to God for the grace He has shown to us through Jesus Christ. We do this through singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, all declaring the truth of who God is and what He has done. While we have a variety of musicians and vocalists assisting us, the main “instrument” of our church is the congregation, as we lift our collective voices together in worship to God.


We believe that God speaks to us through His Word and we are empowered to hear it through the work of the Holy Spirit. Each Sunday we gather with anticipation to hear from Him. Therefore, our Sunday morning services are full of the preaching of God’s Word. Rather than simply hearing someone’s ideas on a topic, the preacher will open the Bible and help us to understand its never changing truth and the application of that truth to our lives. If you don’t have a Bible, we are happy to provide one for you. Our hope is that in hearing God’s Word and receiving it by faith, you will come to know God Himself, in all of His glory and goodness.


Every Sunday the pinnacle of our gathering is the celebrating of the Lord’s Supper. In partaking the bread and the cup, we renew our communion with God and one another by remembering how our Lord, Jesus Christ gave His body and blood as our sacrifice and for our salvation. We are now united us together into one body, with one faith, serving our one Lord. Likewise, as God saves and gives new life, we also celebrate the ordinance of Baptism regularly during our services. As those being baptized profess their faith, we are able to observe this wonderful picture of the Christian’s union with Christ, as we are “buried” with Him in death, and “raised” with Him to new life.


We love having children with us during our services. In fact, we believe a church full of families of all ages is exactly what God intended! With that said, we understand some families are still working with their children to know how to join them in worship. While we do not expect or require families to utilize childcare, during our Sunday morning service, we do provide instruction and learning for babies and toddlers during the time of the sermon. We place a high priority on security and safety and all our childcare volunteers, who are trained and screened. Children can be checked into their classes at the children’s desk before or during the service.

Additionally, a mom’s room is available for mothers, babies and young children at the back of the Fellowship Hall, found by exiting through the front, right doors of the Main Hall.


After the service, we hope you will stick around and give us a chance to get to know you. Our members enjoy staying to talk to visitors and catching up with friends, so feel free to introduce yourself to someone around you. From time to time, we have lunch and potlucks, which any visitor would be welcome to attend. Also, you can stop by our coffee station for refreshments and to browse our bookstall. If you want to learn more about the church, feel free to talk to one of the pastors at the front after the service.


We gather as a church on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm for our congregational prayer meeting. This is our time to hear about various things going on in the life of the church, and to pray together for them as a church.

The service begins with a time of singing followed by a time of prayers of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and bringing our needs before God  We hear from our pastors and others about various corporate or individual ministries and needs that exist within our church. If you’re a visitor or uncomfortable with praying in public, don’t worry… You won’t be called on to pray! After our time of prayer, there is a brief 15 to 20 minute talk from God’s Word, further applying what we heard in the morning.

If you’re interested in learning more about the community of Waverly Place Baptist Church, our Sunday evening service is a great way to do that. All are welcome!