child and woman at the gate near cabin and trees painting

The 2024 Waverly Place Family Conference

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 FROM 6:00 to 8:00PM &
COST: $20.00 per person or $40.00 for the whole family

What is the greatest need in Christian families today? To be a family on purpose!

This duty of living with purpose and direction is all-encompassing and it certainly involves families. It has been God’s intention for families forever. “For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.” (Genesis 18:19)

The goal of the Waverly Place Family Conference to address this charge head on—to meditate and fine-tune, by God’s grace, the ways we bring purpose and weight to our families, to our marriages and our parenting. 

The conference will look with joy at our positive duties, but also plainly address where we’ve fallen short: So why do so many homes lack the weight and gravity the Bible calls them to have? Why is there such biblical failure among families that have committed themselves to God? 

The answer—which we will consider in depth—is for us to forsake apathy and embrace the call of Christian holiness in our homes: 

Though the heaviness of this charge can be daunting, the good news is this—Christ promised to be with us “always” as we make disciples in our homes in His name!  

The Bible brings us rich instruction on living with gravitas (latin for weighty or heavy). We will consider:

  • Session 1: What is true honor?
  • Session 2: How do we cultivate lasting peace?
  • Session 3: Why should we live with hope?
  • Session 4: What is the point of having convictions?

Along with these plenary sessions will be a special Saturday Q&A, lots of giveaways, refreshments and free, purposed childcare through age 8. We encourage all children, ages 9 and older, to join us for the main sessions free of charge, as many of the topics will be directed toward the whole family. Come and join with us at Waverly Place Baptist Church as we explore the heavy call to be a Godward family!